To improve the condition of our skin from a sensitive to a normal state, we need to understand the reasons that we suffer from sensitive skin. We often don’t realise what triggers a skin reaction or what are the underlying conditions of the problem. So what is sensitive skin really?

Dermatologically, sensitive skin comes in the form of:

Contact Dermatitis (also called contact eczema) – Skin develops an allergic reaction (skin rash)
which is caused by contact with a certain substance.

Irritant Dermatitis – caused by toxins in food and surroundings. Allergies to wheat, dairy, seafood,
dust and pollen.

How to avoid sensitive skin?


Take note of and avoid, that which causes a reaction:

Use a food diary to track what has caused an allergic reaction – wheat, dairy, gluten, hormone induced foods.
The fabrics you wear can cause or aggravate the sensitivity of your skin. Avoid clothing that may have caused a reaction.
The air around you – dust and pollen are common culprits.
Avoid scratching your irritated skin. Scratching can make the irritation worse or even cause a skin infection that requires antibiotics.
Stop using any products you think might be causing the problem.

What to do:

  • Clean your skin with a mild soap and lukewarm water to remove any irritants.
  • Apply hypo-allergenic creams such as Epizone E and A to soothe the area.
  • Try using Epizone Menthol to alleviate the itch. Use a hydrocortisone cream and antihistamine if required.
  • Keep your home allergen free with a humidifier, clean bedding, avoid carpets – tiles / wooden floors
  • Reduce anxiety by becoming calmer and more mindful. Try a calming routine such as meditation or yoga.
  • Keep pets out of your bed, as their fur may cause irritations.