What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, which causes new skin cells to form too quickly – almost 10 times faster than normal skin.
With skin cells developing every 3 to 4 days instead of every 28 to 30 days, a rapid build up of skin occurs, causing thick, red, bumpy patches and slivery scales. The scales may bleed if scratched or rubbed. Psoriasis may also cause swollen and stiff joints if left untreated.
Psoriasis can present almost anywhere on the body but mostly occurs on the scalp, elbows, lower back and knees. This skin condition is not contagious but may be passed on genetically.
Who can get Psoriasis?
Any one can get Psoriasis, including young children, who usually present with small scaling spots. It often occurs in families with a history of the condition but may be triggered by extreme stress, obesity and smoking; all of which put major strain on the immune system.
There is no cure for Psoriasis but there is a variety of medication available that can provide relief. It is common for the condition to go through cycles – to disappear in a remission state and then flare up.
As always, only a doctor or dermatologist can diagnose Psoriasis and recommend the correct form of treatment.
What triggers Psoriasis?
There are a number of factors that can trigger Psoriasis, including infections, particularly of the throat or skin, or any other form of injury to the skin. Stress, smoking or excessive alcohol consumption have also been known to trigger the condition or even exacerbate it. Finally, extreme temperatures, especially very cold weather, can also activate the disease.
What treatment options are there?
There is a vast range of treatment options for Psoriasis, some involving the slowing of skin cell growth, others to stop the inflammation and itching. It is best to speak to your doctor or skin care specialist about the best medical treatment for you.
However, home remedies, such as a good skin care and moisturising regimen can help to alleviate and soothe some of the inflammation and itching. Rich moisturisers for very dry skin should be applied just after bathing while the skin is moist to lock in hydration. During very cold weather, moisturises should be applied regularly throughout the day.
Epizone creams are specially designed for very dry skin and don’t contain any perfumes or colourants that can irritate the skin. Epzione LPC cream is a tar therapy that can be used as a topical treatment for Psoriasis due to it’s anti-inflammatory and anti-scaling properties.
The Epizone soap and shampoo range are gentle and free of irritants to soothe and refresh dry skin. Our Meditar shampoo contains a full tar formula plus two added hair conditioners adjusted to pH 5.5 to alleviate scalp conditions, such as Psoriasis.