Eczema or atopic dermatitis is a skin condition characterised by inflammation and redness, it causes constant itching, is found among all age groups. It is important to remember that atopic dermatitis is an itch that, when scratched, erupts into the rash that is described as eczema.  Between 10 – 20% of South Africans battle with eczema. In most cases eczema is inherited from family members.

While eczema can occur on any location of the body, the most common sites for eczema depend on the age of the person. In infants and very young children, eczema most often involves the face (especially the cheeks), chest, and back of the scalp. This distribution reflects where the child is able to scratch, and therefore usually spares the diaper area. In older children and adults, the location of eczema classically involves the skin in front of the elbows, behind the knees and nape of the neck. Eczema can also involve the face (especially the eyelids), and may be limited to the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, particularly in adults.

Everyday things in your environment, cigarette smoke, pollen, food, clothes and your skin care routine can cause eczema to flare. Identifying and avoiding your personal eczema triggers is an important part of your overall eczema treatment plan.In many people, extreme cold can cause eczema breakouts because skin becomes too dry. Moisturizers are an important eczema treatment, especially in cold weather. They help keep skin from drying out, cracking, and itching. In the winter, a moisturizing ointment is most effective in preventing moisture loss. Use a humidifier to add moisture to dry indoor air. Extreme heat and humidity are also triggers.

Long, hot bath might be relaxing at the end of the day, but avoid the temptation of this potential eczema trigger. Keep showers or baths as short as possible and use only warm water. Hot water can irritate skin and cause eczema to flare. Contact with soaps, detergents, shampoos, conditioners, perfume, shaving creams as well as make up should be kept to a minimum. Soaps are alkali and are drying. Make-up should not be applied to weeping lesions.

Bubble baths should not be used. Pat dry and do not rub. Moisturizing after bathing is a must in order to retain water in the skin.long, hot bath might be relaxing at the end of the day, but avoid the temptation of this potential eczema trigger. Keep showers or baths as short as possible and use only warm water. Hot water can irritate skin and cause eczema to flare.The summer months are usually given a warm welcome, but not by many people working on their eczema treatment. Heat and humidity are common eczema triggers. Keeping these eczema triggers to a minimum in your child’s room may help keep the itchy rash away. To achieve this, getting rid of carpeting, rugs, and blinds — all of which hold a lot of dust — washing bed linens and curtains weekly in hot water, and giving the entire room a thorough cleaning once a week should be a part of your eczema treatment plan.In many people, extreme cold can cause eczema breakouts because skin becomes too dry. Moisturizers are an important eczema treatment, especially in cold weather. They help keep skin from drying out, cracking, and itching. In the winter, a moisturizing ointment is most effective in preventing moisture loss. Use a humidifier to add moisture to dry indoor air.

Identifying and avoiding your personal eczema trigger, or triggers, is an important part of your overall eczema treatment plan. In many people, extreme cold can cause eczema breakouts because skin becomes too dry. Moisturizers are an important eczema treatment, especially in cold weather. They help keep skin from drying out, cracking, and itching. In the winter, a moisturizing ointment is most effective in preventing moisture loss. Use a humidifier to add moisture to dry indoor air.In many cases eczema is manageable, especially with a proper skin care routine. This includes bathing and moisturizing daily, sometimes in combination with prescription medications and/or alternative therapies.


causes of eczema


Some basic things you can add to skin care routine can help control eczema:Tub-epizone-E-ointment-Reflextion


  • Establish a daily skin care routine with products safe and suited to treat eczema. The Epizone E Ointment treats very dry skin conditions, such as Eczema or Psoriasis.
  • Products should not contain alcohol, fragrance and should mild and gentle on the skin. Avoid products that irritate the skin.
  • Check labels on products for ingredients to establish allergies against certain ingredients.
  • Be mindful of scratching and rubbing and limit contact with materials or substances that may irritate your skin.
  • Dress in soft, breathable clothing and avoid itchy fabrics like wool, that can further irritate your eczema.

Your head to toe treatment for eczema
















Eczema not only affects your physical image it can be very irritating, but an appropriate daily skincare routine, the correct products, lifestyle changes, watching your diet, and being aware of the relationship between mind and body can combat eczema.